Tuesday 16 January 2018

Tips For Handling A Teenager Broken Heart

By Melissa Gray

Your children are most likely to get into relationships once they become young adults. With this comes the risk of break ups. This can be quite painful and can be a huge blow to your child. When something like this happens, you better be prepared to handle teenager broken heart. This is the only way that you can be able to navigate you and your child through this phase in their life. Here is how to do it.

The first thing that you need to do is to allow your child to handle the situation on their own without your interference. Since they are growing up, they have to learn to deal with such challenges in their life. It might be tempting for you to try and work out things for them but this is not advisable. Give them space to deal with their emotions as they try to figure out what next.

Sometimes, they might want to talk and other times they might not want to talk. Don't force them to talk if they are not yet ready. Just let them know that you are available in case they want to reach out to you. Be supportive during this time as they talk. Sit and listen and don't try to give advice or start telling them all about your relationships when you were young. This might not be the right time for this.

If you have given your adolescent time and they do not seem to get better, it might be time to get them help. It's okay for them to be withdrawn and down for a while, but if it seems to excessive, all might not be well. If they continue mopping around for a long time and won't come out of their bad mood, you might suggest that they go for professional counseling.

Do not minimize their experience. Don't tell them that they are too young and they will soon forget about their love. While this might be true, it is not what they want to hear at this point. Validate their feelings by acknowledging that what they are going through is real.

Realize that girls grieve in a different way from boys. While girls might want to talk about it and cry, boys might want to be more reclusive and not talk about the issue. So, don't expect them to act in the same way when such a situation happens to either your son or daughter.

You might want to get even with the person for hurting your child's feelings. By all means, do not do this. Do not even get in touch with them in the first place. Do not even talk negatively about the person in your child's presence and verbally abuse them. This is because it will not help the situation and it might even serve to hurt your child more, given that they might still have feelings for this person.

Your child is going to be miserable for a while. Expect this and give them space to mourn their failed relationship. Don't start bothering them and telling that they are taking too long to get over the person. Their misery will only last for a short while and they will move on when the time is right.

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