Friday, 11 July 2014

MRC Gives The Go-Ahead For Ad Impression Metric Change

By Ismail Abraham

Advertising online often goes through significant changes from time to time depending upon the needs of advertisers, and the needs of the public. Whether you are looking at video ads, or traditional ones that use graphics and text, the way that you view them is about to change. It is very common for people to watch videos, or go to websites with information that they need, and see these types of advertisements presented.

Essentially, MRC has decided that ad metrics, specifically the impression metric, needs to change. Innovations Task Force in collaboration with MRC is looking at cross industry input as a result of substantial research in this field. They are changing the guidelines that have been in place for many years in regard to what an impression actually means.

There simply asking that half of the pixels for both images and videos be viewed for one and two seconds, respectively. This continuous viewing is thought to not only provide a better way of determining whether an impression counts in the advertising world, but may have a definite impact on whether or not the ads are going to help motivate potential customers to click through to the website that is advertised.

Another thing that is worth noting is an impression advisory that was given back in March, and the guidelines for viewable ads, is open to a commenting period where the public can weigh in on this decision. There is also a gating period that will last about 90 days, at which point MRC will start shifting to this metric for measuring served impressions.

Through a PSA campaign, these companies are spreading the word about this change that is about to occur. They are simply asking companies to consider these new viewability guidelines which must be implemented at some point. Hopefully this will create a better experience for everyone involved including those that display ads, and the public that has to view them, as they surf the Web today.

Across the world, advertisements are being shown on websites, created by companies trying to attract visitors and potential clients. The use of graphical images has been in place for many years, and the advent of using videos for advertising has been gaining in popularity. Many Internet marketers understand how easy it is to increase traffic to your website when using videos for advertising, yet there is some confusion as to what actually counts as an impression when people view these ads. This article will address something that the Media Ratings Council has proposed in regard to what counts for a viewable ad impression.

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