Thursday 31 July 2014

Censorship And The Common Sense Alternative Media

By Miranda Sweeney

Living in the world today, it is easy for some to see why parents wish to preview movies and television shows before allowing children of a certain age to watch. At the same time, censorship has always been a controversial issue related to individuals of any age. For those who believe in censorship, the Common Sense Alternative Media website can be of assistance.

The organization's mission is to advocate, educate and rate programming for children, teens and families. The organization not only provides information on movies and television programming but also on apps, books, games, websites, newsletters, newszines and other publications.

The organizational website provides a great wealth of information. An "Editor's Pick, " section provides a list of what the website creators consider the best apps, books, games, movies television shows and other media which is updated regularly. Information on privacy and net etiquette can also be found on the site.

Videos provide insight into movies in theaters and those available on Netflix and other rental sites. Advice and educational videos are available on a number of topics upon request. A parents and educator blog provides a space for educators and parents to discuss any issues which may be of concern.

It is unfortunate that the organization almost came to an end after leaking information about Congress taking over the internet. Whether true or otherwise, stating something of this magnitude makes major news. The organization's response is that the intention was to wake up the American people as to how many freedoms are being stripped away on a an almost daily basis.

Censorship is, has and always will be a controversial issue. It is also an issue based on personal preference. When moving into the space of other human beings, it is still nice to be polite. Most often, one of the primary complaints is against people using bad language. If people can start behaving appropriately when in crowds of mixed age, size and race, it would be a far better world.

What matters most is the overall health and well being of the child, teen or young adult. The parents are ultimately responsible for the actions of a young child. When it comes to children over the age of twelve, then parental involvement collides with peer pressure and fault could lie elsewhere. Still, troubled souls became that way because of something somewhere in the past. One reason some areas are now passing laws that hold parents responsible for a number of crimes committed by the child.

When children are not exposed to drugs, sex and violence on television, focus often stays on fun. Children are known for acting out and repeating everything seen and heard at an early age. Unfortunately, when exposed to drugs, sex and violence on screen, these too are part of the act. It is up to parents to raise children in a way that is acceptable based on the environment and surroundings rather than society's expectations.

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