Saturday 18 January 2014

Corporate Plaques And Awards And Your Self Image

By Marissa Velazquez

The society in which we live is incredibly competitive, and for many people, their sense of self-worth depends on recognition of their performance in the workplace. While corporate plaques and awards from bosses and other superiors are nice gestures, it can be dangerous to place too much importance on these things. If you do not cultivate a good sense of self-worth on your own, you will become depressed and frustrated if you do not receive the desired praise and recognition from outside sources. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy perspective and finding happiness in other areas of life besides your job.

Use A Journal To Keep Track Of Your Daily Thoughts

Journaling can be a wonderful tool for self-discovery. Taking the time to write just a paragraph a day can teach you so much about the things that are bothering you, the things that are important to you, and the patterns of your own emotions and frustrations. This can help you learn how to prioritize and to discover what brings you joy and what brings you stress. You may discover that you want to change your line of work altogether.

Take Opportunities to Appreciate Nature

Standing in a forest or next to a lake can make you feel very small, and this can be helpful in gaining perspective. Even if you have not received the recognition you are seeking at work, being in the natural world will remind you that your job is just a tiny corner of a vast universe, and not the all-encompassing world that it can come to seem like on a daily basis.

Focus on Your Family and Friends

Even when you feel unappreciated at work, there are other places you can seek and receive recognition. Your friends and family members usually know you in a way that your superiors at work do not. They are able to recognize talents and characteristics that may be overlooked in the workplace, and they can help you to recognize those things about yourself as well. They can also help you to decide if you are happy in your current job or field, or if you want to make changes.

Maintain Physical Wellness

Physical wellness has a huge impact on the way you feel about yourself. When you do not get enough exercise or proper nutrition, it can lead to emotional problems such as depression. However, when you exercise regularly and fuel your body with the nutrients you need, you will feel more powerful and capable to handle things that come your way, at work or anywhere else.

Corporate plaques and awards in the workplace may be nice, and they may help to boost your self image, but they are definitely not enough on their own. This type of confidence boost comes and goes, but if you are able to develop other mechanisms for feeling good about yourself, you can gain a stable confidence that will last, regardless of any outside recognition or lack thereof. It is much better to look for a sense of worth within yourself, and let the outside recognition add to what is already there.

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