Friday 31 January 2014

How To Make Friends And Influence Customers With Social Media Marketing

By Simon Graetnuf

There is a lot to learn before you can effectively use social media marketing. Social media marketing is the newest trend in the young internet marketing industry. Knowing where to begin is not always easy. The advice that follows will help you get the most out of your social media marketing campaign.

Put a share button near the header of your blog entries that allows users to put the information on Facebook. Readers can quickly click and share the post with members of their network. This helps to increase the numbers with access to the blog, which, in turn, brings in more visitors that may decide to use your service or possibly buy your products.

Determine ahead of time if you really want an active, ongoing dialog with customers. If increasing sales is your main goal, then use social media solely as an advertising channel. Send a message that arouses your customer's curiosity and encourages them to respond. Follow your customers' lead after this.

Give the social networking followers special and exclusive offers. Provide your customers with valuable content and they will show interest in your campaign. For instance, launch a contest via social media. If that is not doable, you might want to give them a special offer. In addition, you can tailor announcements that are exclusive to your website for social media.

Games on Facebook are something to look into. Imagine creating a game that features your products. Some games even turn into viral phenomenons and are played by millions of users. A secondary choice would be to hire a third-party designer to handle the game professionally, but only if you can manage to afford the costs.

Write a guest post on another person's blog, or allow one to make a guest post on yours. Either way, readership will increase. When you post on someone else's blog, make sure you include a back link to your site. You can start the ball rolling by being the first to offer them a link back to their site. The followers of the guest blogger will probably read this post and check out your site.

It takes a great deal of patience to build a successful network in social media marketing. Unless you are Justin Beiber, don't expect thousands of followers to just magically appear when you put up your profile. Your site may go viral as soon as you make it, but it is unlikely. If you exercise patience, your audience will gradually grow to be the size you want.

All social medial profiles should have buttons included, along with RSS feeds of any updates you would like people to see. The buttons should appear on all pages, profiles, blogs, emails and signatures. These links should be placed on all your social media profiles, as well, to spur users to follow you on those sites as well.

If your business has a website, you should always link it to your social media pages. You can always put up share links on your site so that visitors can share the content you have posted with their friends. You should include these buttons on your main web pages, blog posts, and RSS feeds to make it easy for your visitors to share your content.

Hold a photo contest to get your customers' interest in your social media site. Have users submit an interesting photo that includes your product and offer a prize for the best one submitted. Users can submit their photos and share them with others; in doing so, they would be spreading the word about your company to people who might otherwise not find you.

You do not have to stress about marketing your business any longer. Media that entertains can be used when you want to connect with a large audience in a short amount of time. A business still needs to have services and products that are great buys, but when those are put out in conjunction with the social media tips laid out in this article, a business is bound to succeed.

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